Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inauspicious Audrey

A Series of Unfortunate Events (for Audrey)

I was showing my morning class the other day the pictures of Kate drawing on herself the previous week. They were to then blog about something naughty that they'd done as a child. As I was viewing the pictures I began to notice what seemed to be letters. Above the knee I saw an "A" then below it a "U" turned sideways followed by a "D" and "R". On Kate's calf the letter "E" and although it's been scribbled on you can still make out a "Y" near the ankle. Yup, Audrey had written her name on Kate's leg! I immediately called Sarah and told her to look at the picture on our blog. Sarah questioned her after picking her up from school, but she didn't confess to having played a part in Kate's crazy coloring session until I came home and talked to her about it. Caught on camera, Audrey's writing ability nailed her as an accomplice, if not the culprit in Kate's naughty nap time!

1 comment:

The Boehme Family said...

I wondered about those letters when I saw the picture the first time, but I figured it must have been a coincidence that they looked so much like letters. I also thought that it took a pretty coordinated little girl to colors ALL the way up her own arm with such circular precision. All I can say is that being cute when they sleep may be the quality that saves them from extinction. Oh, and the funny things they say.