Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Morning Madness

Winter Weather in Spring!

In an effort to help Sarah, I've been trying to drop Audrey off at school on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays. Audrey came trudging outside in some canvas topped tennis shoes this morning and we called her back in to put on her snowboots. You can see by the look on my face I'm in a hurry, while Audrey is being Audrey, just happy to be headed off to school - crazy care-free girl!

In a related story, Kate noticed that Audrey had left the gate open as she was sitting at the table eating breakfast with Sarah. So, being my daughter and sharing some of my OCD, she put on her boots and in her pajamas went out to close the gate. She's also been reminding me to put my seatbelt on every time we get in the car together. I love my girls!

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